

Microneedling services offered in Ponte Vedra, FL


Microneedling services offered in Ponte Vedra, FL

Flawless skin is attainable with a customized treatment plan in place. At Salsive' MD Wellness Lab in Ponte Vedra, Florida, Amreeta Singh, MD, Stephanie Salas, MD, and their highly trained team offer advanced microneedling treatments that restore dull, imperfect, aging skin without invasive treatments or downtime. Schedule an evaluation at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab by phone or online today to learn more.  

Microneedling Q&A

What is microneedling?

Microneedling at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab uses cutting-edge methods and technology to create beautiful, younger-looking, vibrant skin using tiny needles. The needles make small punctures in treated skin to stimulate new collagen and elastin production, while diminishing common signs of aging.

Salsive' MD Wellness Lab also offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with microneedling and microneedling for hair loss. PRP uses platelets sourced from your blood to stimulate new cell production. 

What are the advantages of microneedling?

The advantages you can expect when choosing microneedling at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab include tissues that are:

  • Younger-looking
  • Less flawed
  • Even-toned
  • Less wrinkled
  • Tighter
  • Smoother
  • Healthier
  • Less scarred

Microneedling offers the young-looking appearance, improved skin texture and elasticity, and self-confidence you deserve without pain, downtime, or surgery. It’s also highly effective as a hair loss treatment, creating a fuller head of hair naturally. 

Am I a candidate for microneedling?

To determine if microneedling is for you, a Salsive' MD Wellness Lab expert discusses your medical history, examines your skin, asks about your cosmetic goals, and discusses your treatment preferences. You may be a candidate for more than one type of cosmetic solution to achieve the beautiful skin or thicker hair of your dreams.

What happens during microneedling?

During microneedling treatment at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab, your specialist cleans the treatment area, uses a specialized device containing tiny needles to make small tears in your skin or scalp, and applies a nourishing healing serum or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treated tissues to stimulate new cell growth and younger-looking skin or a fuller head of hair. 

What should I expect afterward? 

The treatment area is often red, swollen, or tender after microneedling, but these common side effects are temporary. During the healing process, your skin may scab. During the next few days and weeks, new cells generate and you’ll notice younger-looking, smoother, tighter skin or a fuller head of hair. 

You might need repeat treatments to ensure exceptional, long-lasting results and periodic maintenance microneedling sessions. Call the Salsive' MD Wellness Lab office any time with questions 

Schedule a microneedling consultation at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab by phone or online today to take advantage of microneedling and achieve youthful beauty.