
Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels services offered in Ponte Vedra, FL

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels services offered in Ponte Vedra, FL

If your goal is younger-looking, radiant skin with a healthy glow, chemical peels may be the solution for you. At Salsive' MD Wellness Lab in Ponte Vedra, Florida, Amreeta Singh, MD, Stephanie Salas, MD, and their outstanding team offer highly effective peels that regenerate new cells and achieve youthful beauty. Schedule an appointment by phone or online today to take advantage of this exceptional treatment.   

Chemical Peels Q&A

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab use chemical solutions to exfoliate aging skin, remove outermost cell layers, and revitalize treated tissues. The practice provides top-quality products, including VI Peels and SkinCeuticals. The skilled team offers an array of peels, from superficial to deep, depending on your goals. They tailor each treatment plan to your needs.

What are the advantages of chemical peels?

The benefits you can expect when choosing chemical peels at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab include skin that is:

  • Even-toned
  • Less wrinkled
  • Smoother
  • Beautiful 
  • Tighter 
  • Younger-looking
  • Revitalized 
  • Refreshed
  • Less flawed

Chemical peels provide highly effective, long-lasting results. They help reduce age spots, acne, acne scarring, fine lines, and other imperfections. The results are outstanding with minimal to no downtime. Salsive' MD Wellness Lab uses superior peel products to ensure phenomenal outcomes.

Which chemical peels are right for me?

To determine which chemical peels best match your needs, the Salsive' MD Wellness Lab team reviews your medical history, examines your skin, discusses your treatment preferences, and asks about your cosmetic goals. They let you know what to expect before, during, and after treatment. You may be a candidate for more than one cosmetic procedure. 

What can I expect during chemical peels?

During chemical peels, you relax in a comfortable chair while your provider cleanses your skin, applies a chemical solution to it, and waits a specific period of time for the solution to exfoliate older skin cells. 

Afterward, they remove or neutralize the chemicals and may apply a serum to optimize healing and nourish your skin.

What happens after chemical peels?

After undergoing chemical peels, the treatment area may be swollen, red, or tender. It may even scab during the healing process. It’s important to protect your skin from the sun, keep the treated areas clean, and use skin care products as directed by your specialist. Follow up with the Salsive' MD Wellness Lab team if you have questions or are due for repeat chemical peels. 

To take advantage of chemical peels at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab and determine which are best for you, schedule an evaluation by phone or online today.