
Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers services offered in Ponte Vedra, FL

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers services offered in Ponte Vedra, FL

If your goal is younger-looking, radiant, and flawless skin, rely on Salsive' MD Wellness Lab in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Amreeta Singh, MD, Stephanie Salas, MD, and their team offer top-quality dermal fillers that maximize youthful beauty using simple, quick, and painless injections. Schedule an evaluation at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab by phone or request one online today to learn more about your options.

Dermal Fillers Q&A

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab use FDA-approved substances to create an aesthetically pleasing look without invasive treatments, surgery, or downtime. Salsive' MD Medspa offers dermal fillers and neurotoxin injectables to enhance the shape and overall look of your face or body. 

Dermal fillers can improve the look of your lips, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and even the back of your hands. Materials often used in dermal fillers include hyaluronic acid, poly-l-lactic acid, and calcium hydroxylapatite. 

The Salsive' MD Wellness Lab team is highly skilled and experienced in administering dermal fillers and achieving remarkable results. 

What cosmetic issues can dermal fillers treat?

The team at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab uses dermal fillers to treat many cosmetic imperfections, including:



When injected beneath the surface of the skin, dermal fillers can diminish the appearance of existing scars, making them less evident. 


Acne Scars

Unwanted acne scars can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance; however, dermal fillers can stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of acne scars. 


Fine lines and wrinkles

Dermal fillers can lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a refreshed, younger appearance. 


Plumper lips

When strategically injected into the lips, dermal fillers can enhance their volume and shape, resulting in a plumper and more luscious appearance. The fillers add temporary volume by attracting and retaining moisture, giving your lips a fuller appearance with natural-looking results.

Dermal fillers are a great option if you’re looking for a minimally invasive way to achieve tighter, smoother skin and a younger-looking appearance. 

Dermal fillers can address multiple areas that are prone to signs of aging, including your face, neck, and hands giving you a greater sense of self-confidence. 

Which dermal fillers are best for me?

To determine which dermal fillers best suit you, the Salsive' MD Wellness Lab team discusses your aesthetic goals, examines your skin, and reviews your treatment preferences before tailoring a customized treatment plan. They may combine multiple injections or recommend additional cosmetic treatments to ensure exceptional results. 

Some of the types of fillers we use include: 

  • Versa
  • Lips
  • Radiesse
  • Juvaderm products

What happens during treatment with dermal fillers?

You relax in a comfortable room while undergoing treatment with dermal fillers. Your provider cleans the treatment area, numbs it if necessary, and gently injects fillers beneath your skin. Each injection takes a minute or so to complete.

What can I expect after receiving dermal fillers?

After the procedure, you can resume a typical daily routine. You might experience temporary swelling, redness, or tenderness. Avoid touching the treatment area, but you can apply a small ice pack to reduce any swelling.

The effects of dermal fillers are noticeable almost immediately and typically last 6-24 months. Schedule repeat injections as needed to maintain long-lasting results.

Schedule an evaluation at Salsive' MD Wellness Lab by phone or request one online today to determine which dermal fillers are right for you.